I’ve collected the best tips to help you tan faster and keep that “sun kiss” effect for longer.
Everyone loves a beautiful tan.
This is a sign of health and even sportiness.
Someone likes a moderate tan, and someone likes a dark chocolate tan.
And if you need a beautiful and strong enough tan, then, yes, salt and water will be a good helper for you.
Does Salt Water Help You Tan?
Yes, it helps.
But do not make a solution of salt right now.
It is enough to take a bottle with a spray bottle, for example, from an old hair styling product.
It is enough to put in just one teaspoon of salt. And while tanning, just splash the salty liquid quite liberally on the skin, preventing it from drying out.
It is better to sunbathe in the morning or late in the evening. This time is optimal for getting a beautiful tan. And salt will not only make the tan more beautiful, but the color of the tan will be special.
By the way, you can create sea water in such an atomizer if you add a drop of aromatic oil. I found such unusual advice in the old magazine; I think you can try it.
A strong saline solution should not be made.
The fact is that highly concentrated salt water can have a bad effect on the skin.
If there is slight damage, then the salt will simply “corrode” them, causing itching and unpleasant tightness. Everything needs a smart approach. Therefore, I repeat once again: for two hundred milliliters of warm water, we put only one teaspoon of salt.
Do You Get More Sunburn in Salt Water?
Yes, you can get more sunburn in salt water.
The fastest sunburn occurs in the décolleté, neck, and shoulders.
People with fair skin, redheads, and blond hair with blue or green eyes are prone to burns.
Best of all, the sun’s rays are perceived by swarthy, black-eyed, and black-haired people. Others need to dry completely, then sunbathe, especially at sea.
And if the skin is already burned, it must be cooled and the inflammation removed. Cold compresses made of linen or cotton fabric soaked in water will help. Or 2 tbsp. of diluted vinegar in 1 liter of water. Wet the cloth and apply it to the damaged area.
Do not drink too many antihistamines. They will reduce inflammation and the risk of allergic reactions.
Burned skin should not be smeared with grease or petroleum jelly. It clogs pores and stops the process of heat transfer, which means it will only worsen the condition. After such treatment, the likelihood of blisters increases, even in the case of minor burns.
The exception is chamomile oil, which reduces inflammation and soothes the skin.
What Makes You Tan Faster?
If your goal is to get tanned faster, you don’t have to lie (stand) for an hour, turning one side to the sun, then the other. By the way, if you relax, you run the risk of falling asleep and getting a heat stroke or getting burned. You tan better and faster when you are on the move. Play, run, and have fun, and the sun will do its job.
A tan should not only be quick but also beautiful and healthy. Stay in the sun until 11–12 noon and after 16. No matter how much you want to get and keep a tan after the sea, you cannot put a high load on the skin.
Introduce it first to ultraviolet doses! Otherwise, you will turn into a living ember, and your body will mercilessly hurt.
Also, my advice: to get a tan faster, be sure to use sunscreen. Apply 20 minutes before sun exposure (not at the beach!) and reapply every two hours, unless directed otherwise.
These are products that do not affect the speed of obtaining a golden hue but allow you to get an even tan and ensure its preservation. A cream with a low SPF (up to 15) blocks UV rays to a lesser extent. But for fair skin and the first days in the sun, the level of protection should be higher.
Just don’t take cream left over from last year; it usually has a short shelf life after opening.
I personally use a bronzer for getting a quick tan in the sun. This is not self-tanning, but a special lotion or cream with components that stimulate the production of melatonin in order to keep your tan after the sea as long as possible.
Why Do you Tan Faster at the Beach?
You tan faster because sea salt makes the tan stick more easily. Water droplets create an additional reflection; salt remains on the skin after the evaporation of water; its crystals work like microlenses, which is why you tan more in sea water.
But these crystals mean that it will draw moisture from your skin, which will then be evaporated by the sun and wind, causing dehydration. That’s why you must drink water all the time at the beach.
Do You Tan More in Seawater?
Yes, you tan more in sea water and after swimming in sea water.
After swimming in the sea, do not rinse off the salt; just pat your skin dry with a towel.
The “salt cloak” should remain on the body for 1.5–2 hours. Spend this time in a relaxed state. Drink a cup of herbal tea, freshly squeezed juice, or water with lemon. You can play volleyball or find different activities.
In 2 hours, you can rinse in a warm shower to wash off the remaining salt and sweat.
Don’t forget to apply moisturizing milk, cream, or lotion to your body.
Do you Get a Better Tan by the Sea or Pool?
By the sea.
To improve the condition of the skin and get a better tan, swim in the sea.
Sea salt tones the skin, evens out the tone, and eliminates cellulite.
For example, Dead Sea salt nourishes tissues with various minerals, disinfects, and alleviates eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and other skin diseases.
After salt baths, the skin looks fresh, tender, and radiant and becomes more elastic and supple.
How Do You Get a deep, Dark Tan?
Have you noticed that people return from holidays with different shades of tan: some have bronze skin, others have chocolate, and others have the color of coffee? Do you know what it depends on? From the part of the world where a man sunbathes…
For a super chocolate tan, go to Africa (Mauritius, Seychelles) or to the equator (the islands of Indonesia, for example, Bali). But you need to be very careful when sunbathing in equatorial sunlight, especially for people with the first and second skin phototypes.
Start with a trial, short-term tan, and gradually increase the time spent on the beach.
Creams should have a powerful degree of protection (SPF 70 or 90).