I know many people who think that that boar is a peaceful and funny creature.
But it has nothing from Pumbaa from The Lion King =)
The boar, although it is a relative of the domestic pig, is a wild animal and can even do much harm.
The behavior of a 220 ibs animal is unpredictable.
The rapid growth of wild boars in the United States is already out of control.
Wild boars threaten flora andfauna throughout the United States and cause billions of dollars in damage to private buildings.
They always damages golf courses and front gardens, they are a big threat to endangered species, such as sea turtles in coastal areas, and rare plant species on the mainland.
Before in the spring and early summer the inhabitants of Florida state were terrorized by crocodiles , now the threat there comes from wild boars.
As a rule, during spring months, from eight to 1o attacks of huge wild boars on people are recorded in Florida .
Luckily, nobody has died from wild boars so far.
Before when it got dark, wild boars preferred to come to high-rise buildings’ trash bins, they also went to tourists dining on balconies, begging for food, but now wild boars are walking in the daytime in the city’s microdistrict.
In search of food, they often raid gardens and garbage cans.
Of course, in megacities with a cart at the supermarket checkout, you definitely won’t meet a wild boar =)
But in places where visibility is poor, the boar feels at home.
Males boars prefer an independent way of life, and females stay in flocks with cubs.
Although they are not looking for a meeting with a person, they prefer to immediately run away.
How Did Wild Boars Come to Florida?
The first boars came to the US from Europe in 1539 with the Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto.
At the end of the 19th century, wild pigs from Germany were released into the New Hampshire hunting grounds.
In the 1910s and 1930s, Russian wild pigs were released in North Carolina, California, and Texas , Florida.
They often interbred with domestic pigs and the population grew.
The US government estimates that more than 4 million wild boars currently live in more than 40 US states.
Most of all (over 2 million) of these animals are in Texas, followed by California , Florida and Hawaii.
Wild boars breed very quickly: each female has up to three farrowings per year, which is 9-10 piglets.
Adult individuals reach very large sizes – often more than 309 ibs, and they are very voracious.
Are Florida Boars Aggressive?
What Harm Do Wild Boars Bring To Florida?
Wild Boars are incredibly adaptable and have a negative impact on many different ecosystems.
For example, on the beaches they eat the eggs of endangered sea turtles .
They uproot plants that will not be restored in our lifetime.
They harm all parts of the ecosystem, from river basins, soil, wildlife and domestic animals to birds that lay their eggs in the lower tier.
Boars harm almost everything that can be harmed.
Scientists say that if the population of wild pigs is left unchecked, the damage to crops, wild fauna and livestock can reach catastrophic proportions.
And also, wild boars can act as carriers of diseases that affect not only livestock and domestic animals, but also people.
Are Florida Boars Aggressive in Florida?
Yes! They have become very aggressive.
Although wild boars are not predators, the animals can be very dangerous.
Florida Boars are aggressive, especially in
the Cayo Costa National Park
in the southwest of the state…
According to environmentalists, this is due to the fact that after the cessation of hunting for wild boars, they completely ceased to be afraid of people.
And even began to consider them as possible food!
Wild Boars are already being called “environmental disasters” in Florida.
State authorities are taking increasingly drastic measures.
For example, wild boars are attacked from the air with the help of helicopter teams with guns.
Some landowners from areas , which are full of wild boars, are organizing themselves into hunter and trapper squads.
Many trappers make thousands of dollars capturing the animals and selling them to meat vendors who provide “wild” pork to luxury restaurants.
Lone hunters offer their services to landowners.
They use camouflage, night vision goggles and battle rifles to hunt wild pigs.
What To Do If you See a Wild Boar in Florida?
Try to hide unnoticed if you see a wild Boar.
Try to quietly and carefully step back without disturbing the animal.
If you see a herd of wild boars busy: they drink water near a reservoir or
dig another hole
, do not approach, pass by.
Otherwise, they may think that you have plans for their holes and get angry.
If a wild boar sees you and attacks you then the best way to protect yourself is to climb a tree.
As a rule, animals hear you much earlier than you can see them, and prefer to get out of the way ahead of time and avoid an unwanted meeting.
Most often, the attack of a wild boar is provoked by the person.
The boar attacks first if it is wounded and enraged: in such a situation it is better not to catch its eye.
While the animal does not see you, you can try to hide unnoticed, but when the wounded boar sees the person and runs at him, only a few seconds remain for action, and you cannot be slow.
The most important thing is in no case to try to scream, make noise, throw sticks and stones in order to somehow scare the animal.
The effect will be just the opposite. You will only achieve that provoke aggression. Defending themselves, wild boars can cause serious damage to a person.
The best way to protect yourself is to climb a tree, even if it is not high, but strong.
Boars can’t climb or jump and will soon lose interest in you.
The animal can be scared away by the hunter’s signals – special pyrotechnic cartridges.
Do not try to use them as a means of self-defense: the boar will only get more angry. Aim the charges in the air – in most cases the animal will leave.