The countries which keep every corner of its geographical boundary clean are as follow:-
Costa Rica
The world of Costa Rica is cleanest in the lot.
Costa Rica is a well developing country but the surprising part is the Costa Rica’s cleanest roads and places.
Costa Rica is a blessed topography with the presence
of all the best known dense forests, ample wildlife along with the clean water bodies.
This is the cleanest country in the world and works perfect with the public transportation.
The EPI score of
Costa Rica is 86.
4 in terms of all the other countries
The EPI score itself says the result.
Most Vibrant Cities In The World
This country is the second on the list to enjoy the ride of Cleanliness.
This country has worked it out with the citizens in maintaining a clean country.
The EPI score of this country is 78.
2 and the scorecard itself says that the country has maintained a very clean environment with its people around it.
The Eiffel Tower is very beautiful and the most desiring factor in the whole of France.
The population of
France is 62 million and the whole crowd has maintained
a very beautiful country with its best foot forward.
The reasons behind its cleanliness are the pollution free air and crystal clear water.
This allows the country to be environmentally clean and clear.
Five Boring Cities To Live
The third on the
row is none other than Austria
This country has got some crazily beautiful landscape and beautiful atmosphere.
Austria is cleanest countries in the world
This country has given the tourism department a reality check.
Tourists visit this place with the presence of all the best in the row.
The EPI score of this country is 78.
1 and the cleanliness is excellent.
The infrastructure is damn well and sparklingly clean.
Austria has maintained the eco-balance in its sleeve; it is an eco-friendly country with the presence of all the perfect factors ever.
The mountain range acts as a backdrop to the beautiful Austrian landscape.
The fourth on the list is none other than Cuba
This is another developing country which has scored highly in the rank one cleanest country in the world.
This is another developing country with the presence of all the best qualities possible.
The friendly atmosphere,
clear blue sky, the pollution free air, crystal clear and fresh water is the contents in the list of Cuba
Cuba is a very traditional and quiet type of country.
The public figures of this country are moderate and the growth is on the verge of stepping stone.
The fifth on the list is Singapore; this petite and puerile country
with low profile activities is one cleanest country in the world.
This country maintains a very clear public health, with clear roads, streets and clear malls and restaurants.
This is one country with the presence of hygienic maintenance.
The residents are very particular with the hygiene and cleanliness.
The malls and restaurants are very clean and clear with the presence of the entire maintenance factor related to it.