You might remember my previous articles
about Lake Erie
, its
mystical storie
s for sure, don’t you?
This Lake is very special, mystic Lake Erie is famous for its mild climate and warm water.
Locals often come here to relax and some like me are trying to fish and catch the best salmon.
The Lake is recognized for its huge waves, do you remember why they appear? If not , check it Here …
Lake’s main function is to close the Great Lakes system by dumping water into the Atlantic Ocean.
But today I want to tell you how bad we are, what we did to the climate and what we are doing now with our nature on the example
of Lake Erie.
I want to catch your attention to this huge problem nowadays and understand how important it is to save the planet.
Let’s start from far away and I want to remind you how
Lake Erie
How Did Lake Erie Appear?
Scientists believe that about 12 thousand years ago there was an icy desert on the site of North America.
The origin of Lake Erie as wellas other Great Lakes is associated with the formation of tectonic depressions, which were subsequently plowed and deepened by a giant glacier, slowly moving from north to south.
Huge masses of ice crushed the soil, consisting mainly of soft sandstone and clay.
They easily crushed mountains and moved huge blocks from their place, as a result of which even deeper holes appeared.
Thus, wide pits were formed, and which, after the melting of glaciers, were gradually filled with water.
That was a story about how Lake Erie appeared…
Now, there are some words about how humans damaged the lake.
Human Damage to Lake Erie
The water of Lake Erie and other Great Lakes of America become sick because of algae almost every year .
becomes poisonous to humans due to changes in the phosphorus cycle caused by (agriculture) HUMANS!
Lake Erie Last with algae damage
Phosphate fertilizers today are a guarantee that humanity can provide itself with the amount of food that we need to survive.
On the other hand, we know almost nothing about how long this phosphorus remains in the lakes after it is “washed away” by rain from the fields.
Water blooms are caused by brown or blue-green algae that live both in fresh lakes and reservoirs, and in sea water.
With the explosive growth of cyanobacteria and brown algae in the water, extensive spots appear that can pose a threat to the health of people and animals due to the toxins that algae release into the water, clearing their “living space”.
It is believed that climate change and, in particular, rising water temperatures will increase the occurrence of algal blooms and increase the size of patches, but the full climatic consequences of their occurrence are not yet known.
The main limiter to algae growth in Lake Erie is usually not water temperature or the number of sunny days, but how much nitrogen and phosphorus is contained in this lake.
The main source of “extra” phosphorus and nitrogen is man, who uses a huge amount of compounds of these substances to fertilize fields.
A significant portion of these nutrients do not remain in the water, but settle at the bottom of lakes and rivers, and scientists have long wondered whether they remain there forever or gradually seep into the water.
How Long Will Lake Erie last?
Very little if humans help.
The main source of the dying of Lake Erie is us, people.
People not only use a huge amount of phosphorus and nitrogen compounds to fertilize fields but also destroy lakes with their engineering.
Looking across the vast expanse of Lake Erie , it is hard to recognize the signs of trouble.
But in recent 10 years Lake Erie hit its lowest water level ever.
As for Lake Erie an average water level drop was 1. 5 feet.
Since 1999, 2. 5 million gallons have left lake Erie!
It happened because of humans who wanted to provide a navigable channel between the upper and lower Great Lakes.
Humans have a devastating effect on large lakes.
How Long Would it Take to Drain Lake Erie Naturally?
It will take around 200 years.
Every 12 thousand years, the Earth enters a cycle of planetary cataclysms, when galactic interaction affects the core of the planet.
This what will happen in 200 years with Lake Erie
The unbalanced core begins to “jump”, the planet accelerates its rotation and expands along the equator.
As a result of this process, microcracks are formed through which water leaves lakes, rivers and reservoirs to a great depth.
This can be compared to “the inhaling” of the planet which takes when it takes water from the surface.
But after inhaling, there is always an exhalation …
Today there is no corner on Earth that has not been touched by this problem.
On every continent, we are watching the water drain.
American scientists say that over the past 50 years, the water level in the world’s largest lakes has decreased significantly.
Will Lake Erie Сontinue to Rise?
Lake Erie wll rise when there will be “an exhalation” of the planet…
The acceleration of the planet affects its centrifugal force, as a result, magma rises to the surface of the earth’s crust and heats up underground water.
Confirmation of this fact can already be observed today: the melting of glaciers from the bottom up, the heating of the deep layers of the ocean…
When the magma reaches these huge reserves, the water will begin to evaporate like an avalanche.
It is scary to imagine how much it will come out of the ground when the planet exhales.
This will lead to incessant torrential rains, which will lead to full lakes, rivers, reservations and after catastrophic floods.
The water will rise for miles, so that only the tops of the mountains will remain!
And this has happened to humanity before =(
This will be 100% “an exhalation” of the planet.
Today, the most terrible enemy of mankind is the climate, confronting us, what we, people, caused to change.
The Climate started the war a long time ago, but not everyone understands and sees this because of our division in the consumer format.
We still have time to unite and save life on Earth.
Only the Creative Society will help people cope with the impending cataclysms.
Having become a united front, we will unite the scientific and technical developments of modern scientists and put them to the defense of all mankind.
I believe that nothing is impossible for people united by one common goal!