Lake Erie is the 4th lake in the unique chain of the
Great North American Lakes.
It is located in two countries at once – Canada and the USA , the border between which lies in the middle of the reservoir, but is not patrolled.
The lake is actively used by people.
Ships transport goods, tourism and
are developed here.
It is the most mystical Lake Erie in the world.
Storms rage on it and huge waves can accidentally appear, which have been sinking ships since the 18th century.
Is Lake Erie Man Made or Natural?
It is a natural lake that was formed 4. 000 years ago.
The nature of the lake is unique; rare plants for Canada grow here.
Climate is also unique, which can produce a “snow effect” when cold winter winds circulate over warm lake water.
Getting to the lake brings down masses of snow on it.
But the “snow effect” is a short-term phenomenon, being the smallest of the Great Lakes, it freezes faster than others.
But even a little bit of this phenomenon is enough: “thanks” to the influence of climate, Erie ranks 11th in terms of “snowiness” among US areas.
Is Lake Erie Water Drinkable?
Since 2014, Algae in the lake has affected not only the quality of drinking water but also it damages fish and aquatic life.
Algae blocks sunlight from penetrating the plants on the bottom.
When the algae dies, the excess biomass leads to excessive microbial activity.
Microbes absorb oxygen in the lake water, resulting in suffocation of fish and aquatic life.
The resulting “dead zone” covers up to one third of the lake.
Wastewater from agriculture is the main reason for forming algae.
The use of modern pesticides and animal waste leads to an overproduction of phosphorus and nitrogen, and heavy rainfall contributes to the entry of these wastes into the lake.
Was Lake Erie Once an Ocean?
Yes, it was a huge glacier lake.
Lake Erie got its modern boundaries only 4 thousand years ago, which is very small by the thinking of geology.
Its bowl was dug into relatively soft rock by glaciers.
The shores of the lake today are predominantly high and slightly indented.
In many places, sand dunes have been preserved, along which the Indians laid hunting trails many centuries ago.
What is Unique About Lake Erie?
Huge Waves in the lake are unique.
Even today scientists cannot explain the formation of such waves, but they believe that some unknown processes at the depth of a lake or ocean are the causes.
One of the reasons for such waves can be electromagnetic anomalies, which occur not so often, but with great frequency.
Or tremors of the movement of lithospheric plates, but then there must be volcanic activity at the junction of them, but this is not in the lake.
There are some people who believe that there is a disguised base of an alien race at the bottom of the lake.
They claim that as soon as any ship plunges from the atmosphere into the water at speed, aliens create a huge wave that can sink large ships =)
What Are 2 Interesting Facts About Lake Erie?
There are often shipwrecks.
There is a monster living.
As for shipwrecks, the main version of ship sanks today is considered to be huge waves that occur in the lake.
As for monsters, There are legends about the existence of the “Monster of Lake Erie” like
the Loch Ness Monster.
In 1990, the media reported that people saw a huge black creature about 35 feet long with a snake’s head, moving very quickly.
Why is Lake Erie Famous?
The Lake is famous for its giant waves, up to 82 feet.
The Lake is also known for many mystic ship sanks.
The main version of ship sanks today is considered to be huge waves that occur in the lake.
Initially, there were many versions about the loss of ships and shipwrecks, sometimes completely whole ships were at the bottom, without the slightest trace of a wreck and some were with whole matches.
The main version of ship sanks today is considered to be huge waves that occur in the lake.
Relatively recently, it became known about
killer waves
exceeding their size by more than 82 feet.
More than 6 thousand ships sank in that lake, decorating the bottom of the lake with their views, but the reasons for which tragedies occurred are still not known.
Once the Canadian underwater research expedition set out to search among the sunken ships, a ship called “Dean Richmond”, which sank back in 1965, and by mistake discovered the famous ship “Sam James”.
This ship was transporting wheat but it never arrived at the point of delivery.
For many years it was considered lost without a trace.
Sam James’ ship turned out to be 130 years older than the one that the expedition was originally looking for.
Quick Facts about Lake Erie.
Lake Erie is the tenth largest
freshwater lake
in the world.
Because of its shallow depth, Lake Erie is also the warmest of the Great Lakes.
In 1999, this caused problems at two coastal nuclear power plants that constantly need cold water to cool their reactors.
Lake Erie is the border between the US and Canada, which is the cause of much controversy regarding cell phone bills.
Very often calls are considered international and are billed accordingly.
Lake Erie attracts numerous divers, as the remains of 1,400 to 8,000 ships lie at the bottom of the reservoir.
Erie has more shipwrecks per square mile of bottom than any other freshwater basin in the world.
There are many lighthouses on Lake Erie.
The most famous is the lighthouse near
in winter, its top is covered with ice, which gives the lighthouse a very unusual and attractive appearance, although it interferes with its direct functions.
Local residents and tourists on the American coast reported that they observed an unusual optical effect, similar to a mirage: the Canadian coast suddenly turned out to be in front of their eyes, although in fact the Canadian coast was at least 50 miles away.
Slavery was banned in
in 1833, but was still legal in the US at the time.
Runaway slaves crossed Lake Erie in boats or across the ice, heading for
in search of freedom.
There are legends according to which a monster known as Bessie lives in Lake Erie.