Good afternoon, dear readers of the
“Club for Why and How”!
Today in I have an answer to a question sent by my reader
“Why is
Lake Erie
Sand different, looks like it is Black?
Why is it different from sea sand?”…
And, true, my readers correctly noticed that sand is different from sand.
The sand in the sandbox is one color, the sand on the lake, river bank is another, the sea sand is a third color.
And if you managed to visit several seaside, lake side resorts last summer, then I think you noticed that in different areas, on different beaches, the sand is different.
Why is it so?
Let’s find out!
How Sand Appeared at Lake Erie?
If you take a handful of any sand and look at it very closely (or better yet, use a microscope for this, or much easier to make it from a mobile phone), then you will see that the grains of sand are heterogeneous: among them there are pieces of pebbles, shells, glass pieces, etc.
They have different sizes and different colors.
The general color of sand is made up of a mixture of colors of the grains of sand that make it up.
Sand is rock that has broken down into small particles. Once upon a time, when our planet Earth was brand new, there was no sand on it yet.
Then only sharp rocks rose to the sky. But gradually, water, wind and the alternation of heating and cooling began to destroy these rocks.
Large pieces broke off from the rocks, then these large pieces split into even smaller ones, those into even smaller ones, and so on. So far, pieces of rocks have not turned almost into dust – into grains of sand.
This is how sand appeared on Earth.
But the sand does not remain where it was formed.
Rivers constantly carry out grains of sand, which they chip off rocks or wash out of the soil.
And so most of the sand accumulates along the banks of rivers, lakes or seas.
So what about deserts?
After all, everyone knows that there are no rivers in the desert, and, moreover, no seas, but there is a lot of sand there. Why?
It turns out that desert sand is the result of weathering of rocks, plus what is left in place of the former river system.
The rivers dried up, and the sand from them remained.
And since, due to the lack of vegetation, a new layer of soil is not formed at this place, and the wind continues to carry away lighter particles, leaving only heavier grains of quartz in place (of which sand mainly consists), as a result of sand here accumulates as much as on the banks of rivers and seas.
Why is Lake Erie Sand Black?
Because of the destruction of coastal cliffs, which are composed of rocks of predominantly gray color.
Well, when I was at Lake Erie , I immediately noticed that the beaches there are completely different.
They are not yellow, not orange, but gray, in bad weather they look even black.
After all, they are covered with gray pebbles and sand, which was formed from it, as a result of the destruction of coastal cliffs, which are composed of rocks of predominantly gray color.
The general color of sand is made up of a mixture of colors of the grains of sand that make it up.
But what about the sand on other beaches?
It turns out that the sand can be not only gray or yellow. It can be black, white, pink, purple, orange and even green!
The purple color of the sand is obtained as a result of the refraction of sunlight in the smallest particles of the mineral spessartine, containing manganese and lead.
The beautiful rich green color of the sand of the beach is given by crystals of chrysolite (semi-precious stone).
The pink color of beaches are given by fragments of shells and corals.
The red sand and red rocks got such an unusual color from the red limestone that is part of them.
The black sand is the result of volcanic activity. It consists of basalt chips.
I hope now it became clear to you why the sand is so different:different colors, different sizes and different feelings.
Can You Swim at Erie Beach?
And I recommend you to go diving here.
It is the best dive site in the world, even if it is not world renowned.
Diving in Lake Erie is a unique adventure with some of the most breathtaking sights you will find.
When you think of diving, you probably think of warm, salty water, tropical fish, sharks and corals, but in this region you will find a more adventurous environment with crystal clear waters, unique fish and some of the most well-preserved, amazing wreck dives in the world.
Some of the debris from Lake Erie dates back to the 1800s and is preserved by the cold fresh water of this Lake. Here you can find wooden schooners, steel freighters, steamships, barges and even luxury yachts.
A significant number of wrecks are within recreational depths, however the vast majority are even deeper, so being a Deep Diver certified is highly recommended.
Be sure to bring a dry suit as you can dive in cold water here too.
Is Lake Erie Warm Enough to Swim In?
Yes, in the summer season.
I really like to relax in the summer in nature close to Lake Erie .
Most of all I like to spend hot summer days on the shore by the lake.
Why is Lake Erie Sand Black?
The water always breathes a slight coolness, it is quiet and calm here, you rest not only with your body, but also with your soul.
On the shore by the lake, I even like to be alone with my thoughts or in the company of a good book. ❤