Some of the most heavily guarded places on earth might surprise you.
Some of the places you might believe would make the list are missing.
Here is why some of the most heavily guarded places on earth made the list, while some other important places could not make the list.
List of the most heavily guarded places on earth
What makes a place to be listed as one of the most heavily guarded places on earth?
Treasure, important persons, history, and lots more could be your reasons.
We are going to let you know why these places made the list:
Havenco Limited.
Many of us might not heard about this place.
Havenco Limited is situated six miles from the
coast of Suffolk, southeast England
The place is on the top of large concrete pillars in the middle of the North Sea.
Why does it make the most heavily guarded places on earth?
The place was a hyper-secure data fortress that is almost impossible to visit.
The Doomsday seed Vault.
Some 120 meters inside a sandstone mountain is where this seed bank is located.
It comes with a security system that is impossible to break.
The seed bank is the resort for food that could feed the world if there is famine.
It has different kinds of seeds in case of a catastrophic event.
The Bank of England Gold Vault.
The Bank of England Gold Vault is among the most heavily guarded places on earth.
The reason is not far-fetched.
It is home to the world’s largest stores of gold ever.
It comes with bombproof doors and has a voice recognition system.
Only very few people have access to this vault.
The lock opens when you use its six, three-foot-long keys.
Most heavily guarded places on earth you don’t know
The ADX prison
The ADX prison is fortified with 12 ft.
high razor-wire fences, pressure pads, cameras, 1,400 remotely controlled steel doors, and motion-detecting laser beams.
Prison break is a fairy tale in this facility that houses some of the most
dangerous men in the world
The prison comes with the most advanced prison security arrangements ever.
The prison has around 400 inmates inside.
People regard it as the cleaner version of Hell.
The Iron Mountain
Iron Mountain is one of the most heavily guarded places on earth.
The entrance is guarded by two sets of armed groups.
What do they do here?
People bring their priceless possessions here for safe keep.
The place has the most secret vaults in the world.
You will find some of the most secret and important documents, artifacts, and more here.
Most heavily guarded places on earth with treasures
The Federal Reserve Bank.
It does not come as a surprise that the Federal Reserve Bank is on the list of the most heavily guarded places on earth.
This place houses over one-quarter of the world’s gold.
The vaults are 80 feet below the street level, and 50 feet below sea level.
Fort Knox
Talking about the most heavily guarded places on earth, Fort Knox is where gold is protected.
The vault here is the most secure on earth.
It houses 270 billion dollars worth of gold.
The door comes with combinations that change always.
Break in is impossible since the vault opened in 1935.
Area 51
Area 51 is a secret place, whose location is not known.
If you ever find yourself around here, you are in big trouble.
Security measures include sensors that can detect movement.
The Vatican Secret Archives is highly guarded.
You cannot view what is inside because the document here can only be seen with permission.
The place contains some unparalleled secrets.
The Pope and few people can only visit here.
The room is designed under climate control.
The archive has a high-security underground bunker.
The Mormon Church’s Secret Vaults.
Nothing can affect the secrets deposited here, not even temperature.
The place contains valuable genealogical and historical records.
The houses 2.
4 million rolls of microfilm containing 3.
5 billion images