Charleston, South Carolina, belongs to the category of cities that few people outside the United States know about.
This is for Americans from an early age this city is well known, since the history of the country originates from here.
For most foreigners, it is little known and not a priority to visit.
What is it like in Charleston, hidden in South Carolina, when on this coast there are such seductive cities as
New York
, Boston, or even
, not to mention the Pacific West Coast?
I confess that for me the name Charleston was familiar only for one reason: since childhood I have been engaged in dancing, so I have listened to the rhythms of the Charleston, named after the city of the same name, at home from an early age.
Therefore, when a winter route was outlined along the southeast coast of the USA, a detour from Louisiana right up to South Carolina, I knew for sure that it would not be in vain.
Ghostly Encounters: Exploring the Most Haunted Places in Charleston, South Carolina
Locals told me that the city of Charleston is a true legend.
They claim that there are more ghosts here than ordinary people.
Although in many respects this is the fault of ancient buildings, which make you remember some horror films, in particular, of an English orientation (mansions, castles, and restless souls stuck in them).
Therefore, tourists often come to this city who are lovers of the paranormal.
But not for thrills, but solely for the sake of getting to know the other world.
Ghosts in Charleston are completely harmless.
Yes, they may be playing around in the manner of a poltergeist (hide money, steal a passport, confuse pants with a jacket, turn on the “visibility” mode), but they do not cause any harm to others.
Of course, the city is very old and attracts visitors with its ancient architecture, and this is already a reason for the emergence of various frightening rumors.
Judging by the rumors, local ghosts have chosen the old hotels.
For me, listening and being in a place known to serve your supernatural interests is a pleasure in itself.
While visiting tourist spots is a thrill in itself, walking into a spooky place is another kind of adrenaline rush.
It is this adrenaline rush that is often shown in horror films, where a group of teenagers go on an adventure quest for fun, and it all starts from there!
So, let’s look at the most haunted places together…
Ghostly Encounters: Exploring the Most Haunted Places in Charleston, South Carolina
Most Haunted Places in Charleston, South Carolina
Meeting Street Hotel
For example, on Meeting Street, guests try not to rent the 303rd room.
There are many cases where someone locked the residents there from the outside, and in a very strange way.
One gets the impression that this number is important for the ghost, which is why it does not let strangers or outsiders go there.
Battery Carriage House
Battery Carriage House became famous for a more detailed legend: a real ghost of a girl lives here.
He is seen regularly, and he especially favors room 203.
Again, the last digit is a three.
If someone moves in here, then the next morning they find a mess in their things, many of which simply disappear without a trace.
Ufologists were specially invited to this room, and with the help of special devices, they confirmed that something anomalous was indeed in this room.
The Dock Street Theatre
The Dock Street Theatre, located in Charleston’s French Quarter Historic District, opened in 1736.
The original building was destroyed by fire just four years later; the second grand opening of the theater took place in 1937, and the third in 2010, after extensive renovations.
With such a long and rich history, it’s no wonder this place is “infested” with ghosts!
Theater lovers claim that they have seen spirits, ghostly shadows, and ghosts on the stage more than once.
But two ghosts stand out in particular: Junius Booth and Nettie.
Booth is believed to be the father of the notorious assassin of President Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth, although he was away from Charleston at the time of his death.
And they say about Nettie that she was a prostitute who worked in a hotel that once stood on the site of a theater.
Ghostly Encounters: Exploring the Most Haunted Places in Charleston, South Carolina
Why do so many Americans believe in ghosts, mediums, and other supernatural phenomena?
Statistics show that more than two-thirds of Americans believe in the existence of ghosts, aliens from outer space, astrology, and other paranormal phenomena.
Men are more likely to believe in aliens than women.
On the other hand, women trust fortunetellers more and believe that spirits can be seen.
People who did not finish school are more likely to believe in ghosts and mediums, but people with higher education are not alien to the search for the supernatural.
Although some consider such people crazy, sociologists think otherwise.
Many tourists come to the
for excursions where guides tell them stories about haunted houses.
Some people say that ghosts are evidence of an afterlife, which they believe in.
For some, believing in ghosts is a manifestation of madness.
Ghostly Encounters:
Exploring the Most Haunted Places
in Charleston, South Carolina
But that’s not the case, says psychologist Brian Cronk of
Western Missouri State University at St.
“There is nothing abnormal in this, in any way,” he said.
Kronk’s students study people who believe in the paranormal.
Their supervisor believes that these people are looking for answers to fundamental questions.
“Unlike animals, the human brain tries to predict the future and find the cause of past events,” he says. “Therefore, we are always trying to find an explanation for the phenomena that occur.”