So, you were out in the wilderness, minding your own business, when suddenly you came face to face with a grizzly bear.
You did the right thing and used your bear mace to deter the bear, but unfortunately, you ended up getting sprayed in the process.
Don’t panic!
In this post, I will guide you through everything you need to know about what to do if sprayed by bear mace.
First things first: breathe and stay calm.
You got this!
Now let me tell you a funny story about my own encounter with bear mace.
One time, I was hiking with my best friend in Yellowstone National Park, and we stumbled upon a baby bear.
We were so excited to see it that we forgot to be on the lookout for the mama bear.
Suddenly, we heard a loud growl, and before we knew it, the mama bear was charging at us.
We quickly pulled out our bear mace and sprayed it at the bear.
Unfortunately, the wind shifted, and we ended up getting sprayed ourselves.
It was not a pleasant experience, but we learned a lot from it, and now I’m here to share my knowledge with you.
What To Do If Sprayed By Bear Mace?
Now, let’s get started with what you should do if you find yourself in a similar situation.
1. Move Away From the Area
The first thing you should do is move away from the area where you were sprayed.
Bear mace is designed to deter bears and other animals, so it’s not safe for you to stay in the same spot where you used it.
Try to move at least 100 yards away from the area to avoid further exposure.
Moving away from the area after being sprayed by bear mace is recommended for a few other reasons:
- Safety: If the bear that sprayed you is still in the area, moving away quickly and calmly can help reduce the risk of further confrontation and ensure your safety.
- Air quality: Bear mace can create a cloud of irritants that can linger in the air for a while.
Moving away from the area can help you breathe in fresher air and reduce the risk of further exposure to the irritants.
- Treatment: If you need medical attention for your symptoms, it’s important to move away from the area so that you can receive proper treatment without further exposure to the irritants.
2. Remove Contaminated Clothing
If you were sprayed directly on your clothing, remove them as soon as possible.
Bear mace is an oily substance that can stay on your clothes for a long time, and the longer it stays, the more it can cause irritation.
Be careful when removing your clothes, and try not to touch any of the contaminated areas.
3. Wash Your Skin with Cold Water and Soap
Next, you’ll want to wash your skin with cold water and soap as soon as possible.
This will help to remove any residual mace on your skin and reduce the effects of the spray.
Don’t use hot water, as it can open up your pores and cause the mace to penetrate deeper into your skin.
Tip: | If you don’t have soap, try using baby shampoo. It’s gentle on the skin and can help to remove the mace. |
4. Apply a Baking Soda and Water Solution
After washing with soap and cold water, mix a solution of baking soda and water and apply it to the affected areas.
This will help to neutralize the mace and soothe your skin.
Pro Tip: | Carry a small container of baking soda with you when you’re in bear country. It can come in handy if you end up getting sprayed. |
5. Seek Medical Attention If Necessary
If you’re experiencing severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, swelling, or anaphylaxis, seek medical attention immediately.
Bear mace can cause serious irritation and allergic reactions, and it’s important to get medical help if you’re having a severe reaction.
What About the Effects it Has on Your Throat?
So you’ve been hit with bear mace and now you’re experiencing some nasty throat irritation.
When bear mace comes into contact with your throat, it can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms, such as:
- Intense burning and stinging sensations
- Swelling and inflammation of the throat
- Coughing and difficulty breathing
- Excessive mucus production
- Soreness and pain
These symptoms can be alarming and uncomfortable, but don’t worry – with the right care and treatment, you can ease the discomfort and get back to feeling like yourself again.
Here are some tips to help soothe your throat and alleviate the symptoms:
Drink plenty of water: Drinking water can help flush out any residual mace and keep you hydrated.
Plus, it helps thin out mucus secretions, making it easier to cough up.
Gargle with saltwater: This old home remedy can help reduce inflammation and soothe your throat.
Simply dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, gargle for a few seconds, and spit it out.
Repeat several times a day as needed.
Use a humidifier: Adding moisture to the air can help ease respiratory distress and alleviate dry throat irritation.
If you don’t have a humidifier, taking a steamy shower or inhaling steam from a bowl of hot water can also do the trick.
Take over-the-counter cough suppressants or throat lozenges: These can help alleviate coughing and throat irritation.
Look for products that contain ingredients like dextromethorphan or menthol, which can soothe the throat and reduce coughing.
Avoid smoking or exposure to other irritants: Smoking or being around smoke or other irritants like pollution can worsen your symptoms and make it harder for your throat to heal.
So it’s best to avoid these irritants as much as possible.
Remember, if you’re experiencing respiratory distress or severe symptoms, seek medical attention right away.
Throat irritation from bear mace exposure can be serious, so take care of yourself and follow these tips to help ease the discomfort.
Does Water Help?
When I was sprayed with bear mace, my first instinct was to run to the nearest water source and start splashing it on my face.
I thought that the water would rinse away the sting and make me feel better, but unfortunately, it didn’t work.
In fact, it made the situation worse.
Here’s what I learned: water alone is not enough to neutralize the effects of bear mace.
The spray contains an oil-based component that is not soluble in water, so it will not wash away easily.
Cold Water
While cold water may provide some temporary relief from the burning sensation caused by bear mace, it will not completely remove the spray from your skin.
In fact, the cold water may cause the capillaries in your skin to constrict, which can trap the mace particles inside and make the pain worse.
However, using cold water can be helpful in the first few seconds after being sprayed as it can help flush away some of the excess spray before it has a chance to penetrate deeper into your skin.
Hot Water
Using hot water is even worse than using cold water when it comes to treating bear mace exposure.
The heat can cause your pores to open up, allowing the mace particles to penetrate even deeper into your skin.
Hot water can also cause the oil-based spray to spread further across your skin, making the pain and irritation worse.
So, it’s important to avoid using hot water at all costs when dealing with bear mace exposure.
So, what can you do instead?
If you’ve been sprayed with bear mace, the first thing you should do is move away from the source of the spray and into an area with fresh air.
Then, follow the steps I’ve outlined above to minimize the effects of the spray, including using a decontamination solution, seeking medical attention if needed, and avoiding rubbing your eyes or skin.
While water may seem like a quick and easy solution, it’s important to remember that it won’t completely remove the effects of bear mace.
So, stick to the recommended steps and seek professional medical help if necessary.
What should I do if I accidentally spray myself with bear mace?
If you accidentally spray yourself with bear mace, follow the same steps as if you were sprayed by someone else.
Move away from the area, remove contaminated clothing, wash your skin with cold water and soap, apply a baking soda and water solution, and seek medical attention if necessary.
How long does it take for the effects of bear mace to wear off?
The effects of bear mace can last anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the individual and the severity of the exposure.
If you’re experiencing prolonged symptoms, seek medical attention.
Can bear mace cause permanent damage?
In most cases, bear mace exposure does not cause permanent damage.
However, in severe cases, it can cause scarring or other long-term effects.
It’s important to seek medical attention if you’re experiencing severe symptoms or have been exposed to a large amount of bear mace.
Is it safe to use bear mace on humans?
No, bear mace is not safe to use on humans.
It is designed to deter bears and other animals and can cause serious irritation and harm to humans if used improperly.
How can I avoid getting sprayed by bear mace?
The best way to avoid getting sprayed by bear mace is to be aware of your surroundings and avoid confrontations with bears or other animals.
Carry bear mace with you when you’re in bear country, but use it only as a last resort.
Make noise when you’re hiking to alert bears to your presence, and never approach a bear or its cubs.
The Bear Mace Survival Handbook
I hope this guide has been helpful in preparing you for the unlikely event of being sprayed by bear mace, and knowing what to do if it happens.
Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so it’s important to take precautions when venturing into bear territory, such as carrying bear spray and making noise to avoid surprising them.
But if you do find yourself sprayed with bear mace, stay calm and follow these steps to minimize the effects and ensure a speedy recovery.
By taking prompt action and seeking medical attention if needed, you can get back on your feet and continue enjoying the great outdoors in no time.
So go forth and explore, with the peace of mind that comes from being prepared and informed.
Stay safe & have fun out there!