Can You Swim With Wild Dolphins in Florida?

Can You Swim With Wild Dolphins in Florida?

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We are used to highlighting dolphins from the animal world for their cheerful nature, sociability and quick wit.

Dolphins occupy a special place in ancient legends.

Often, these kind and intelligent creatures are endowed with human qualities.

And this is not at all accidental.

They save drowning people in the sea, protect them from sharks, and play the role of guides.

Dolphins lend themselves well to training and participate in spectacular performances and shows.

We all know that Going to thedolphinarium is always spectacular.

Clever dolphins do such things for the amusement of the public that many do not believe their eyes – how do they even do it!

And often a visit to the marine aquarium can be combined with direct communication with dolphins – swim with them and ride them.

Now in every major city where there is a dolphinarium, they offer this type of entertainment.

Experts also have long proved that communication with smart cetaceans has a beneficial effect on a person’s physical and mental health.

But what about swimming with wild dolphins in  the sea?

Is that similar to swimming in a dolphinarium?

And the most important question: Can You Swim With Wild Dolphins in Florida?

Today, Let’s find out the answer together…

A dolphinarium is a special center (usually in “aquariums” and oceanariums), where, under the supervision of instructors who know these aquatic mammals well, you can swim perfectly.

Usually  there are additional attractions  such as  acrobatic shows with dolphins.

In the case of a dolphinarium, everything is done with the participation of professionals, so it is absolutely safe.

Another option is to spend time with these wild cute animals in their natural environment, which means the sea or ocean.

Can You Swim With Wild Dolphins in Florida?

Yes, You can swim with wild dolphins in Florida.

Of course, there is no corral for dolphins in the ocean.

Of course, it is impossible to touch completely wild animals in the open gulf/ sea/ocean with your hands, but they will swim very close to the swimmer  and you can accidentally touch them: the skin of dolphins is like wet velvet, and does not look like fish scales at all.

Before swimming with them, on the shore you put on a rented wetsuit, in which it is absolutely impossible to drown.

You cannot swim in the open  ocean or sea without a wetsuit, because the water in it is cold at any time of the year.

Secondly, several lifeguards  will watch you from the boat, always ready to help.

Thirdly, there are no sharks near dolphins.

And no attacks on tourists swimming with dolphins have ever been recorded.

Dolphins can really drive away sharks.

But not so much because they signed up for the rescue squad of mankind, but because the sharks themselves prefer not to get involved with such a strong and serious enemy.

In general, dolphins really tend to be involved, there were cases when they helped other animals.

And most importantly, the instructors will tell you in detail about all the necessary safety requirements when you will swim with wild dolphins in Florida.

Usually a small boat with tourists in  the early morning comes closer to a cluster of dolphins.

At the instructor’s command, tourists jump in different directions so as not to interfere with each other, swim with dolphins for 15-20 minutes and, at the instructor’s signal, board the boat again to warm themselves.

As for swimming in a dolphinarium in Florida, it began to be practiced in Florida three decades ago as an alternative psychotherapy.

And later, with the results of human-animal communication, it turned out that such swims are useful for absolutely everyone.

Can You Swim With Wild Dolphins in Florida?
Can You Swim With Wild Dolphins in Florida?

The Benefits of  Swimming with Dolphins in Dolphinarium

Dolphin therapy as an adjunct to treatment is used in working with people with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and autism spectrum disorders.

The positive dynamics observed by specialists allows us to recommend swimming with dolphins to those who have experienced a great loss, are experiencing stress, and are in a state of neurosis.

And there are no age restrictions here – dolphins will help to heal the emotional wounds of any person.

Psychologists are sure that swimming with a dolphin is a communicative process.

The smartest mammals use non-verbal means of communication that humans can understand.

And from the very first minute, the swimmer and his new partner understand each other, while the person experiences positive emotions, calm, mood improvement and a surge of energy.

Where in Florida Can You Swim With Dolphins in The Wild?

You can swim with dolphins in the wild at  Panama City Beach, Florida Bay, Gulf of Mexico, 

Animals simply swim for thousands of years at a certain time in the same place to feed.

Dolphins are interested in swimmers: then they swim close, surround the swimmers and swim above them, below them or from the sides very close.

But more often they do not react to swimmers in any way, they even avoid and can push and bite if  a swimmer sticks to them.

Therefore, experts say: do not touch the dolphins, but try to interest them.


I think I know how =)…

In my case, I swam slowly and awkwardly, and in the process cursed with obscene words, when the salty sea water still got into my nose.

The fact is that the dolphins just liked my behavior, it was extremely entertaining for them so they crowded me  around, encouraging me with screams and jumps, and even impolitely pushing me with their noses and sides.

Is It Illegal to Swim With Wild Dolphins in Florida?

No, It is legal to  swim with wild dolphins in Florida.

Psychologists even believe that a person is well influenced by any new experience that causes strong positive emotions – the very effect of novelty by swimming with a dolphin.

At least for the short term, this improves the mood of the patient.

Before deciding to swim with dolphins, you need to carefully study the information available on the Internet.

However, as far as I know, more than 100 dolphins swim daily close to Florida, which means that you are guaranteed to swim with them.

Basic Rules of Swimming with Wild  Dolphins

Dolphins are very mobile and inquisitive, they love to play, which, by the way, is used in dolphinariums.

But know that not every dolphin will be complacent towards you.

And even if they want to play with you, remember that with their hard muzzle, a dolphin can easily break a person’s ribs.

And the most important thing: A dolphin can really be dangerous to a person when he is in a state of sexual aggression.

He can also perceive a person as a rival if  a dolphin is in the passion of hunting andchasing fish.

Increased attention to dolphins can cause unpredictable behavior of them.

Therefore, before starting communication with  wild dolphins, try to establish emotional contact and only then make friends with a dolphin.

Do not forget that dolphins are highly developed creatures, and each of them has its own character and temperament.

Here are some basic rules to follow before you start swimming with wild Dolphins.

  • While swimming with dolphins, you should not wear jewelry (earrings, chains, rings, etc.).
  • Persons under the influence of alcohol are not allowed to swim with dolphins.
  • Swimming with dolphins is contraindicated for people with chronic and acute skin diseases; epilepsy; stage III hypertension, with venereal and infectious diseases; helminthiases.
  • Pregnant women are not allowed to swim with dolphins;
  • Children over 8 years old  are allowed to swim with wild dolphins.



Born & raised amidst the gators and orange groves of Florida, I’ve waded through the Everglades and braved the dizzying heights of Orlando’s roller coasters.

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But FL is just the beginning of my adventures.

I’ve journeyed far and wide. Yet, it was the serene beauty of Japan that truly captured my heart.

I even wrote my own little
Caribbean Guide.


My 2nd book “Things I Wish I Knew Before Going to Japan” became a bestseller, a guide filled with wisdom:

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